Free Tax Strategy Phone Consultation

Incorporated Business Owners
Pay Yourself Up To

$70,000 Tax Free


Call Peter Singleton at 403-879-2747 Today
for your Free Tax Phone Consultation
or fill out the form below


Most Business Owners Think That
All Accountants Are Tax Strategists
But They're NOT

Most business owners think of their accountant as their tax strategist but if you were to
ask your accountant point blank, "Are you a Tax Strategist?" the likely answer would be, "No." 
In fact, we asked well over 200 Accountants and all of them said, "No."

At Small Business Tax Accountants (Canada) Inc.
All of Our Accountants and Managing Partners Are Tax Strategists


 Most Accountants Recommend at Least a $70,000 Per Year Salary
In an Effort to Maximize Your Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Contribution
But This is One of the Worst Strategies a Business Owner Can Implement!
Not Only Will You Pay About 25% in Taxes...
  1. Invest approximately $7,000 per year in CPP - accountant says 50% paid by your company - but that's still your money
  2. Invest for 40 years if you own a business at age 25 = $7,000 x 40 years = $280,000... invested anywhere else = approx. $2,000,000
  3. What happens if you die? The accountant says $2,500 death benefit... but it's taxable! Maybe $1,800 goes to your estate
  4. How much do you get at age 65? $13,000 per year - but it's taxable! Maybe you'll get $9,000 per year
  5. Life expectancy in Canada is 80 years old... that's $9,000 x 15 years = $135,000 BUT you invested $280,000 and it's worth $2 Million?

This has to make CPP one of the worst investments possible for business owners.
Who in their right mind would knowingly invest $280,000.00 to make $135,000? That's a $145,000 loss!!
But many accountants still recommend it


 So, Should You Take a $70,000 Dividend Instead of a $70,000 Salary?
No, The Government Gets the Same Amount of Tax
Whether You Pay Yourself by Dividend, Salary or Combination of Both Totaling $70,000
The Government Still Gets the Same Amount of Tax

Actually, there's not much difference in tax between a dividend and a salary except that 
with a salary you're paying the tax personally and with a dividend, both you and your compay are paying taxes.
The government has designed it so that they get the same amount of tax
whether you pay yourself by salary or dividend.


So How Can You Pay Yourself $70,000 Tax Free?
Call Our Managing Partner, Tax Strategist Peter Singleton at (403) 879-2747
And He Will Explain it to You, Specific to Your Situation
in Detail So That You'll Understand It

It's Not Complicated and Most Business Owners Should Be Doing It But Aren't
At the Very Least, You Should Know Your Options

Call Peter Singleton at (403) 879-2747
For Your Free Phone Consultation

Or Fill Out The Form Below


During This Free Tax Consultation You Will Learn...

  1. The best ways to pay yourself, your spouse, and your children 12 years or older, Tax Free... Plus I'll tell you how my 12 year old daughter got me hundreds of new clients per year right up till she graduated law school
  2. What Retained Earnings are and how they might negatively affect your corporate tax rate
  3. How to immediately get up to approximately $20,000 Tax Free out of your corporation's Retained Earnings (Like I did) that most accountants and business owners overlook 
  4. Which Retained Earnings investments are subject to 46.7% Tax, which are subject to 11% Tax and which are subject to No Tax
  5. How to make up to $55,000 per year, Tax Free Personally, no matter what your other income is, using your company's Retained Earnings
  6. How to get money out of your company Tax Free to buy a cottage
  7. How to get money out of your company Tax Free to buy an RV, houseboat or cabin cruiser (Like I did with all 3)
  8. How to get money out of your company Tax Free to buy a snow bird house or a house here or in any other province or country
  9. How to 'give' corporate money to relatives Tax Free instead of from your personal pocket
  10. How to have your company pay for your Life Insurance (Like I do) instead of you paying for it with personal after-tax dollars 
  11. How to optimize business expenses that you may not even know that your company qualifies for...
    1. How to have your company pay for both your and your spouse's vehicles and put $8,000/year in your pocket Tax Free, like me
    2. How to have your company pay for 100% of your medical expenses at an annual premium cost of only $210, like me
    3. When your company can expense meals and entertainment at 100% instead of only 50%
    4. How to have your company pay for a good portion of your groceries
    5. Different ways to have your company pay for all of your trips, anywhere in the world (My company pays for all my travel)
    6. How to get paid for your home office even when it doesn't qualify because you already have an outside office (Like me)
  12. Why most other accountant's annual fees are typically double what we charge, unnecessarily


 Call Our Managing Partner, Tax Strategist Peter Singleton at (403) 879-2747
Or fill out the form below...

And He Will Explain These Initiatives to You,
Specific to Your Situation
in Detail
So That You'll Understand Them

We Have Saved Some Families as Much as $50,000/Year in Taxes



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